The 6th ICCER 2025 at Glance
The Sixth International Conference on Civil Engineering Research 2025 (The 6th ICCER 2025) will be hosted by the Civil Engineering Department of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) in October 2025. The 6th ICCER is an biannual event and it is mainly for scientists, researchers, and industry with specialties in Civil Engineering or related areas. The previous conference had been successfully held in Surabaya, October 2025.
Population growth in recent years demands an increase in infrastructure development. Safety and sustainability becoming the most important aspects of the construction. Sharing efforts to improve safety and sustainability in the construction continue to be developed by all stakeholders ranging from practitioners to academics. However climate change became threats to our sustainable infrastructure itself. Therefore, the main theme for the 6th ICCER is “Civil Engineering Challenges in Climates Changes”.
In accordance with the theme of this year, a variety of topics related to safe and sustainable construction, material technology, structural failure prevention, rehabilitation, and retrofitting are expected to be presented at this conference. Through this conference, it is also expected that participants may perform research collaborations and define the platforms for their future research directions.
Furthermore, this event was also held to honor the 70th Years of Prof.Herman Wahyudi and Prof. Hidayat Soegiharjo, who are the senior lecturers in the Civil Engineering Department of ITS
Purpose and Benefit
The purposes of The Sixth International Conference on Civil Engineering Research 2025 are:
• Become a forum for technical and practical communication between academics, researchers, practitioners, and industry.
• Become a place to discuss safe and sustainable construction which will be useful in the development of the infrastructures especially in Indonesia.
• Become a place to exchange ideas from practitioners and academics in developing a safe and sustainable infrastructure.
The benefit of the Sixth International Conference on Civil Engineering Research 2025 is the establishment of academic communication among conference participants. The exchange of information and research output at this conference will give fresh perspectives and spark new ideas for the conference participants. Furthermore, the inputs for the advancement of this conference will initiate and enhance networking cooperation among the conference participants.